The Bible is clear that the nation of Israel is in many ways a “mystery.” But with sound insights into Scripture and a solid grasp of Israel’s lengthy history, the ICEJ can help you unravel the often hidden plans and purposes behind God’s enduring calling over the Jewish people. From His covenant with Abraham to the Cross to the Age to Come, Israel is central to God’s redemptive plan for all peoples, and the ICEJ invites you to follow that important spiritual journey with us.

Ethiopian Aliyah with Juergen Buehler

Ten Reasons to Support Israel

There is no doubt that Israel enjoys growing support from the Evangelical movement to… Read more

Jerusalem Cup of Trembling

A Taste of the ‘Cup of Trembling’

See, I have taken out of your hand the cup of trembling, the dregs of the cup of My f… Read more


Look to Abraham

When Christian, Jewish and Muslim clergy come together to engage in interfaith dialog… Read more

Sheaves of wheats bowing to one sheave of wheat. Generated by Adobe Firefly/Photoshop

The Two Dreams of Joseph 

In the March/April edition of our Word From Jerusalem magazine, we saw Israel represe… Read more

Parade of Nations during the Feast of Tabernacles

The Theological Challenge of Israel for the Church

We are the first generation of Christians who have had to deal theologically with a p… Read more

Distributing boxes for Holocaust Survivors

Comforting the People of Israel

That heavenly mandate continues to motivate the Christian Embassy until this day. It … Read more

Old City Jerusalem Marketplace

Jesus and the Palestinians

For many decades, Evangelical support for Israel seemed rock solid. Today, however, m… Read more

Jerusalem Shuk

The Restoration of Israel

Throughout Scripture, Israel is promised a last-day restoration in the land. This pro… Read more


The Great Ingathering

The Jews are a remarkable people. Consider, for instance, that they are the only peop… Read more

Waving of the Palm

Why We Celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles

Some may ask why are thousands of Christians coming up to Jerusalem each year to cele… Read more

Youth Aliyah dancing the Hora

Christian Zionism 101

If Zionism is the belief in the Jewish people’s right to return to their homeland, … Read more

Malcolm Hedding

The Challenge of Replacement Theology

In essence, Replacement theology removes from Israel a national destiny back in the l… Read more

The Last Supper by Vicente Juan Macip. Wikimedia Commons

In Search of Our Hebraic Roots

“Comfort, yes, comfort My people!” says your God. “Speak comfort to Jerusalem a… Read more

Abraham and Isaac

The Heir of the Whole World

As modern Israel prepares to turn 75, I am drawn back to where the story of the Jewis… Read more

Israelis Celebrating 70th independence day

Witnesses of Israel's ‘Resurrection’

As Israel prepares to mark 75 years since its modern-day rebirth in May 1948, the imp… Read more

Throne over all the earth

King of Israel and All the Earth!

Our Feast theme this year is taken from Psalm 47:7… “For God is the King of all t… Read more


King of Heaven and Earth

“The Lord reigns, let the earth rejoice!” This declaration opens Psalm 97 – on… Read more

Spirit of Amalek

The Spirit of Amalek and the War on Israel

Israel is at war! After the mass terrorist attack on 7 October, Israel finds itself i… Read more

Soldier watches the landscape

The Year of the Watchmen

The horrific events of October 7th will be the subject of multiple investigations in … Read more