Prayer Letter for July 2024

Dear Prayer Partners,

We are nearly nine months into the current war in Gaza, and one of the true sources of light and encouragement for us here in Jerusalem has been the daily Global Prayer Gathering. Every single day since last October 7, thousands of Christians from some 180 nations have joined us online to pray and intercede on behalf of Israel and the region, as well as our own nations. We have had anointed Christian leaders sharing rich devotionals and encouraging words to inspire and direct our prayers. Gifted worship leaders from around the globe have led us into God’s presence each day. Faithful prayer panelists have been there day after day to present our petitions before the Lord. And our hard-working translators have selflessly served the various language groups joining us from throughout the earth. We cannot thank everyone enough for their steadfastness in interceding for Israel. During this time of crisis, prayer has been a lifeline!

I have had the privilege of providing war updates – not just news from the frontlines but also from the diplomatic and political arenas, as well as what is happening within Israeli society. We have prayed for wisdom and strength for Israeli leaders, divine protection over the IDF soldiers, hope and health for the hostages, and grace and unity among the diverse peoples of this nation. Indeed, there has been a powerful spirit of agreement on all these points of prayers, and many answers from the Lord. We also have interceded for the people of Gaza and the Arab and Muslim world, that they would come to know the Lord, and repent of any hatred towards the Jewish state and people.

Yet things have not always gone as we expected for Israel. God’s ways are not always our ways (Isaiah 55:8). He seems to be after something deeper in the heart of the Israeli people.

I also have become more sensitive to how our own political or theological views can influence our prayers for Israel, and especially our eschatology – how we see prophecies about the ‘End of Days’ playing out. Some of us might believe this war is leading us toward the vision of a “Greater Israel” even before the Lord returns. Others see it dragging us towards a division of the Land of Israel, which could trigger the judgment warned of in Joel 3. Either way, the challenge of this hour is not to bend God to our will or prophetic views, but to get the heart of the Father and pray in line with what He wants to do. As Jesus prayed: “Father, if it is Your will, take this cup away from Me; nevertheless not My will, but Yours, be done.” (Luke 22:42)

No doubt, God wants us praying for the safe return of the hostages, and we must thank Him that half of the captives are already home. He wants us praying for a hedge of protection around Israel’s soldiers, and there are many remarkable testimonies this is happening. We should be praying for wisdom and resolve among the nation’s leaders, and for unity and patience among the people, and these, too, are being faithfully answered. Above all, our Heavenly Father wants us to pray for Israel to draw closer to Him in the midst of this conflict, and with eyes of faith we believe this is taking place despite the pain and turmoil of this war.

May we be faithful and discerning servants in aligning our prayers with God’s purposes and desires in this time of great testing for Israel.

Greetings from Jerusalem!

David Parsons
Vice President & Senior Spokesman
International Christian Embassy Jerusalem

Photo credit: Shai Pal on Unsplash

PS: Our next day of prayer and fasting for the Isaiah 62 Prayer Campaign will be on Wednesday, 3 July 2024. Also, please join our daily Global Prayer Gathering at 4:00 PM (Israel time) to pray for the nation of Israel. So, please join us there at

And let us hear from you about your needs and how God has answered your prayers! Send a short email to to let us know you are praying and fasting with us.

The next day of prayer and fasting in our Isaiah 62 Global Prayer Campaign will be
Wednesday, July 3, 2024.
Please join us!