Prayer Letter for October 2024

Dear Prayer Partners,

In the month of October, we will celebrate the biblical feasts: Rosh Hashanah (Day of Trumpets), Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement), and Succot (the Feast of Tabernacles). This last festival recalls God’s goodness and provision during the time of Israel’s wanderings in the Wilderness, when they lived in booths. But this year’s Feast comes as Israel will also be marking the one-year anniversary of last October 7 and the deadliest assault on the Jewish people since the Holocaust.Jewish communities in Israel and around the world will hold memorial ceremonies to remember this very dark day, and the loss of so many loved ones – husbands and wives, sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, fathers and mothers, grandfathers and grandmothers, and so many good friends.

The war on Israel’s borders goes on and the focus has recently shifted to restoring security and returning evacuee families in the North. Some fear the remaining hostages in Gaza will be forgotten, though the efforts to bring them home continue. The nation is crying out with broken hearts, longing to have them back. Many Israelis have life-long physical injuries and mental traumas from this war. The nation is searching for answers, even more so during this period, as they days before Yom Kippur is a time to search your soul and seek forgiveness from God and man.

Amid all this pain and longing, we will keep praying that the Spirit of God will touch the nation of Israel and bring them healing. It is not by human efforts, but by the Spirit of God that the needed answers will come (Zechariah 4:6; Isaiah 61:1-3).

Despite the uncertainties, the ICEJ will be hosting our annual Feast of Tabernacles gathering in Jerusalem. We are expecting hundreds of courageous Christians to join us in Jerusalem and many more online. We will show our solidarity to the nation of Israel, including visiting the Gaza border area. Please pray that all the preparations will go well, but most important that our presence will be a great comfort to the people of Israel. Our Feast theme is: “by My Spirit, says the Lord” (Zechariah 4:6).

Lastly, I want to encourage you to pray for restored hope, joy and peace for Israel. It might be a paradox in this difficult time and many remembrance ceremonies, but one of the chief characteristics of the Israeli people is resilience. So, please pray that they may find a way to hold on to hope in God and in a better, more peaceful future. We know it is possible with the Spirit of God, even when our own strength fails.

13 Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” (Romans 15:13)

Thank you for praying together with us. Since October 7, we have had thousands of Christians worldwide praying daily for Israel. It is a great testimony to our Israeli friends and brothers in the Lord. They are truly amazed and encouraged by our prayers and unwavering support.

Many Blessings,

David Van der Walt
Vice President for Finance
International Christian Embassy Jerusalem

PS: Our next day of prayer and fasting for the Isaiah 62 Prayer Campaign will be on Wednesday, 2 October 2024. Also, please join our daily Global Prayer Gathering at 4:00 PM (Israel time) to pray for the nation of Israel. So, please join us there at

And let us hear from you about your needs and how God has answered your prayers! Send a short email to to let us know you are praying and fasting with us.

The next day of prayer and fasting in our Isaiah 62 Global Prayer Campaign will be
Wednesday, October 2nd, 2024.
Please join us!