Blow the Trumpet in Zion!

The Rosh Chodesh Prayer Chain
Shalom from Jerusalem,
One of the most encouraging developments out of the Corona crisis is the increased urgency for prayer among believers worldwide, especially in online prayer meetings. The ICEJ held our own weekly Global Prayer Gatherings and a special Pentecost prayer marathon, and we have received testimonies from many who truly sensed a powerful presence of God during these online gatherings.
The New Moon
This global prayer chain encircling the earth every Rosh Chodesh, when the new moon appears at the start of each month according to the Hebrew calendar.
This festival of the new moon was given to the Jewish people at Mt Sinai. Special sacrifices were to be offered on Rosh Chodesh to mark the beginning of the new month (Numbers 28: 11-15). It also became a time when the Israelites would consult the Hebrew prophets (2 Kings 4:23). In addition, this joyous day featured the blast of a trumpet blown on the pinnacle of the Temple in Jerusalem to announce the arrival of the new month.
Every month, Rosh Chodesh is a time of drawing near to God, of blowing the trumpet, a time of gladness and joy. The Scripture says in Numbers 10:10 that it shall be a memorial (zikaron) for you. It means remembering the past so as to learn a lesson for today. Rosh Chodesh prayer chain will start on the following date:
- 15 October- Hebrew month of Cheshvan.
Please visit this link for the Rosh Chodesh schedule and join the prayer call with your language group:
Make sure to join us this month at the Zoom link: !
Blessings in Yeshua,

Dr Jürgen Bühler