At the ICEJ, we are always seeking to provide you with new opportunities to get involved with our work in Israel and around the world. Whether it is through our main event, the Feast of Tabernacles, or our Envision conference for pastors and leaders, or our Ambassador Tours and Summer Arise Youth Tour, we want you to engage with every aspect of the ICEJ.

The Feast of Tabernacles

The prophet Zechariah envisions a time when all nations will come up to Jerusalem “to worship the Lord and to keep the Feast of Tabernacles” (Zechariah 14:16). In keeping with this vision, the ICEJ sponsors an annual Feast of Tabernacles celebration which has become the largest annual Christian gathering in Israel. Since 1980, this biblical festival has drawn some 5,000 Christian pilgrims from 100 countries to Jerusalem each fall. The Feast offers a dynamic worship experience, gifted musical performers, powerful preaching, and the opportunity to express Christian love and support for Israel in the popular Jerusalem March. The Feast of Tabernacles, or Sukkot, not only looks back on the Israelite wanderings in the wilderness, it also provides a taste of the joy of the Messianic Age to come.

Envision Pastors and Leaders Conference

The ICEJ’s annual Envision conference brings pastors and ministry leaders from around the globe to Israel for a unique time of connecting with the local Body of Christ and delving deeper into the biblical ‘mystery’ of Israel. The Christian Embassy seeks to equip every Christian leader and influencer with sound scriptural insights into God’s prophetic plans for Israel today and the vital role of the Church in seeing it to completion. The conference includes field trips to sites of biblical and current interest, visits to key government offices and amazing times of fellowship.

Arise Summer Youth Tour

The ICEJ Arise program organizes special tours of Israel for young adults aged 18-30. The Arise Summer Tour includes visits to Bible sites, briefings on current affairs, special worship and youth ministry, fun activities, and hands-on volunteer work. The Feast of Tabernacles also features an annual Feast Youth Day which brings together young believers from across Israel and around the globe.

Online Events

During 2020 the ICEJ adapted to the changes that the coronavirus made to the way we communicate. We wanted to bring more of the ICEJ directly to you wherever you are in the world. We welcome you to join our Webinars and Prayer events and keep up with all that is happening at the ICEJ.