Global Prayer Gathering
Published on: 10.5.2020ICEJ launches online prayer initiative in response to Coronavirus
When it became clear in early March that Israel and the entire world would be severely impacted by the Coronavirus, the ICEJ turned to intensified prayer as our most effective response to this global health crisis. With our Jerusalem offices closed and public meetings banned across Israel, we made use of the Zoom webinar tools to launch the online Global Prayer Gathering, which brings tens of thousands of Christians from around the world together each week for a time of united prayer concerning this viral threat. This has included many faithful members of our Isaiah 62 Prayer Campaign and the ICEJ PrayerWave, along with many other friends and supporters of Israel and the ICEJ worldwide.
Every Wednesday over recent weeks, ICEJ President Dr. Jürgen Bühler has hosted very powerfully and encouraging times of online prayer, led by such friends in ministry as Angus Buchan, Daniel Kolenda, Paul Wilbur, Mats Ola, Suzette Hattingh, Peter Tsukahira, and many others. ICEJ national directors and representatives from dozens of nations also joined in leading prayers, often in their native language. The weekly prayer gatherings have strengthened and blessed tens of thousands of believers from nearly 100 countries who have joined us so far.
“Don’t focus on the virus. Focus on our Healer. His name is Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior!”, exhorted Angus Buchan, as he shared about his personal experience with contracting the Coronavirus. Both Angus and his wife have the virus, and yet they are more on fire for the Lord than ever!
Since some of the recent prayer times took place during the Passover season, we also added a special online Communion service, officiated by Messianic Jewish and Arab pastors.
You are invited to join us every Wednesday from 4:00-5:00 PM (Israel Time) for the Global Prayer Gathering, as we continue to call on God for full deliverance from the Coronavirus, and for the Lord to work out His purposes in the earth through this global crisis.
Participate either by ZOOM webinar (with language translations) or watch on our Facebook livestream. Zoom link: on.icej.org/ICEJGlobalPrayer Facebook: www.facebook.com/ICEJofficial/
“God has been speaking to me one word – Revival!” – evangelist Angus Buchan from South Africa “Work while it is still day!” – evangelist Daniel Kolenda, president of Christ for all Nations.