Happy Passover

By: Dr. Jürgen Bühler, ICEJ President

Dear friends and prayer partners

On behalf of the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem, I wish you a joyous and meaningful Passover celebration this year.

This significant Jewish holiday commemorates the miraculous deliverance of Israel from bondage and slavery in Egypt. When Passover begins at sundown on Wednesday, 5 April, Jewish families will gather around the table for a special Pesach Seder meal and share the story of the Exodus, complete with many songs and traditions that capture the meaning of this holiday and celebrate freedom!

During this Passover/Easter season, may we also reflect upon the love of God displayed through His Son Yeshua, who became the sacrificial lamb slain for our sins.

This Passover season, take a journey with us through our special video teaching series; Passion Week 2023, focusing on Jesus’s last days of ministry in Jerusalem before His agonizing death and glorious resurrection!  The next video in the series; The Crucifixion, will be available on Thursday, 6 April at 4 pm Israel time. Watch at: on.icej.org/passionweek

May you and your family be blessed during this special season of reflection and celebration of Passover.

Blessings from Jerusalem

Dr. Jürgen Bühler

President, International Christian Embassy Jerusalem