1 January/February 2020

Looking Back & Looking Forward
By: Maxine Carlill, ICEJ Homecare “‘Up, up! Flee from the land of the north,’ says the …

The Tabernacle of Meeting
By: Joshua Gooding, ICEJ Prayer Coordinator Happy New Year! Beginning each year with a renewed co…

Albania & Tanzania
Earthquake in Albania Albania was hit November 26th, 2019 with a 6.4 magnitude earthquake. ICEJ A…

New ICEJ Branch Opened in Ukraine
By: Mojmir Kallus, VP of International Affairs After one year of preparation, we were thrilled to…

Regional Conference in Europe: Uniting the East and the West
By: Camille Troc Last November, ICEJ Albania and Director Gentjan Dervishaj hosted ICEJ’s regiona…

ICEJ Germany – Celebration & Rally
“We Won!” ICEJ Celebrates Israel Day By: Birte Scholz In the 1940’s the German town o…

ICEJ Finland Blesses Israel Once Again
Throughout the years, ICEJ-Finland has played a key role in ICEJ’s Aliyah efforts, and at ICEJ’s …

ICEJ Aliyah Seminars Helping Fulfil Prophecy
By: Aaron Hecht Since its founding in 1980, the ICEJ has assisted more than 150,000 Jews to make …

ICEJ Leaders Attend OFEK Event on ‘Aliyah Day’
By: Aaron Hecht In November, ICEJ vice presidents Barry Denison and Nicole Yoder were special gue…

Prepare the Way – Feast of Tabernacles 2020
“Comfort, yes, comfort My people!” says your God… The voice of one crying in the wilderness: “Pre…