Solidarity with Israel
In the wake of the horrific slaughter of over 1,000 Israeli civilians by Hamas terrorists, the ICEJ is working through our international network of branch offices and activists to stand with Israel and to combat the wave of antisemitic incitement now sweeping the globe. Israel has a right to defend itself, and a just cause to eradicate the Hamas terror militia before its ideology spreads further. In the wake of the worst mass slaughter of innocent Jews since the Holocaust, our pledge of “Never Again” means nothing if we do not stand up for Israel now. Do not be silent!
Pro-Israel Rallies and Marches
You can show solidarity with Israel by organizing or joining rallies and marches in your hometowns and capitals. It is critical that Christians all stand together and passionately defend Israel and the Jewish community worldwide at this time. Here are images and videos from recent pro-Israel rallies the ICEJ is involved in all around the world. Please contact the ICEJ representative in your nation to be a part of this ongoing effort. Visit:
Advocacy with Leaders and Media
Please be sure to let your government leaders and local media know of your stand with Israel. Here are samples of recent letters to government officials and community leaders which address the pressing issues surrounding Israel’s battle against Hamas terrorism. Please use these as models for writing to your own government leaders and media outlets.
Sample letter to the United Nations
Sample letter to the United States President
Educate Others on Radical Islamist Terrorism
You can help others understand why Israel needs to achieve victory over the brutal Islamic-inspired terrorism carried out by Hamas against thousands of innocent Israelis on 7 October. In their own words, they are waging a vicious jihad not only against Israel and the Jewish community, but also against all infidels, for the purpose of achieving Muslim dominance over all the world – a macabre prophetic vision which includes the complete eradication of Christianity. It is true that Hamas is driven by the same dark eschatology of Muslim world conquest which fuels the radical Sunni militias ISIS and al-Qaeda, as well as the Iranian clerical regime and its proxy terror militias Hizbullah in Lebanon and others in Syria, Iraq, Yemen and elsewhere. Here are some helpful resources to assist you and others in understanding this intolerable threat to world peace.
The 2023 War with Hamas: What You Need to Know
Watch these videos: